Virtual Campfire: A Fresh Start to the New Year

When:  Feb 17, 2016 from 04:00 PM to 04:45 PM (ET)


*Due to technical difficulties from January 20th's session, this topic is being repeated for the Month of February. 


A fresh start to the year: what does it mean to re-brand or refresh your brand and how do you go about getting buy in for change? Thinking about a whole new brand or just refreshing what you have? Talk about budgets, helping drive change, and other challenges associated with updating a brand.


Log in with us on Wednesday, February 17th at 4pm EDT for a casual discussion moderated by Joe Rotella and Cheryl Bascomb. Web camera and microphones are helpful so we can see and hear you, but no worries if you don't have them. You can still use the chat room to communicate! Did we mention it was FREE?


We hope to see you there!


Dial-in Instructions:
Dial in and login instructions will be sent prior to the event.
Event Image


Jessica Bialczak